know the feeling. You come home from a conference all aglow –
energized and enthusiastic with all you've learned and the friends
you made. As the weeks and days wear on, 'real life' gradually snuffs
out the glow leaving you to wonder what happened to all that
enthusiasm. It was a good thing while it lasted. It just didn't last
forever. Sigh.
April of this year, I opted into Titus 2:1 not knowing what to
expect. I'd been to a writers conference but had never even heard of
a bloggers conference. At the last minute, I jumped on board. Seven
months later, I shudder to think how close I came to missing this
life altering opportunity.
only am I still awash in the glow of the experience, I've already
signed up for next year's event. Wanna know why you should join me? I
can think of about ten good reasons!
T-eaching: The
faculty consisted of homeschoolers who blog. Conferees were free to
pick and choose sessions about homeschooling and/or blogging. Session
content was both practical and actionable.
I-nspiration: Experts
in both ventures including Rachel Carmen, Christine Young, Kendra
Fletcher, and Heidi St. John spoke to the issues that
concern each of us as homeschooling moms.
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Courtesy and in Loving Memory of Christina Jones Hooker |
T-actics: Both
homeschool moms and homeschool moms who blog look for and appreciate
strategies to improve productivity and efficiency. 2:1 faculty spoke
to these needs in encouraging and inspirational ways.
U-nderstanding: I
found my peeps, and they get me. In the months since the conference,
relationship building has been ongoing. I have continued to make new
friends through the alumni group and cement friendships begun during
the conference. I am 'at home' as a blogger and as a homeschooler in
the company of this community.
S-upport: The
2:1 community offers ongoing support after the conference is over.
Got a homeschooling concern, express it. Got a blogging question, ask
it. In seven months, I have been amazed at how quickly this community
responds to each other in helpful and instructive ways.
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Courtesy A. Hughes |
T-echnical expertise: Again,
whether the questions and concerns have been about blogging or
homeschooling, this community has been a wealth of consistent support
and information. If anything, the community has grown more vibrant as
the months have passed.
You know me. I'm a fraidy cat. This community has challenged me to
try new blogging ventures like (gasp) photo-editing and HTML. When I despair, they keep coaxing me along, even via phone tutoring
sessions, until I have 'eureka' moments. They refuse to give up on me
even when I have given up.
O-ften: I
am in touch with the friends I made at 2:1 every day. We text. We
inbox. We call. We have become IRL friends. During a recent personal
crisis, they became part of the fabric of my life, my backbone. When
I was able to see some of them at the October Allume Social Media
conference, it felt like a family reunion.
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Courtesy B. Creasy - 2010 |
N-oble: The
goals of this community are trustworthy. Each of us wants to see the
other succeed in our homeschooling and blogging efforts. We want to
help equip each other and spur each other on to love and good deeds.
now for the bonus you've been waiting for!
E-veryone who
homeschools, especially those who blog, should take advantage of the
2:1 opportunity. I can promise you, you will come home knowing your
life has been changed.
(Today, I am happy to be part Top 10 Tuesday hosted by Many Little Blessings!)
(Today, I am happy to be part Top 10 Tuesday hosted by Many Little Blessings!)