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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creative |
survived the plane rides and the subsequent 90 minute journey to my
final destination. I felt as if I was caught in some surreal
suspended animation. As the miles evaporated below me, it seemed I
was watching it happen through someone else's eyes.
would have pinched myself to make sure it was real. Even if I'd
tried, I think I was too numb for the experiment to have succeeded.
My mom adored flying even tho' she only flew twice in her 8 decades.
What a pity that I didn't get that gene.
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Pecos, NM |
is quiet now. I am far from the hustle and bustle of the airports and
my normal life. I don't think I've heard this kind of quiet since my
childhood days on the Outer Banks of NC. Then, as now, the loudest
night noise was the wind, and the brightest night light was the moon.
I am waiting for the howl of coyotes or the strains of the theme song
to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. So far, the quiet echoes into
am both peaceful and on edge simultaneously. It has been 2 decades
since I was this 'alone'. I have never been this alone in this kind
of quiet. In an ironic twist, my early arrival provided for yet
another singular experience. I am the ONLY resident of this entire
inn. I think there are some folks in the next lodge over on the
conference center grounds. But, for tonight, I have the place to myself. Ain't that
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I been signed up for fraidy cat boot camp and didn't know it? Maybe
it is a good thing I don't hear coyotes howling in the wind. If Jack
Nicholson shows up, I'm OUT of here! If Clint Eastwood shows up, I
could be persuaded to stay. Would you believe it? On cue, the coyotes
just started singing at the moon. It's a conspiracy, I tell ya!
wonder what tomorrow will hold. What have I really come here to do?
Ultimately, the trip was about pushing back the boundaries of my
fraidy cat existence. Practically speaking, I am here to work on my
'craft'. Realistically, I am here to continue to prove to myself that
I can keep walking toward the me I've always wanted to be and that in
the process, I will walk, and write, my way back to God.
May, I arrived at the writer's conference on the east coast so
rattled I locked my keys in my car before I got to my room. I guess
I've grown up a bit since then. I'm all tucked into the lodge I own
for the night and have all my faculties and belongings intact, even
the car keys. Ok...I guess we could debate about my grip on my
faculties, but humor me here. It has been a long day.
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creative |
you had asked me the odds on my being in New Mexico while Son #1 was
in Australia, you know what my reaction would have been. I'd have
surreptitiously snipped a bit of your hair in an effort to identify
the medicinal herbs in which you had been partaking. Because the odds
were zero.
a difference a season of the year makes. He enjoyed his 1st
hot air balloon ride the same day as my 1st post-9/11
plane flight. Wonder of wonders, I survived it all without
pharmacological sustenance. Unless you count a Tylenol for a
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#1 is in Australia because of a single bit of information I picked up
in one class during last May's conference. This blog grew out of a
single thought during that conference. I wonder what gift this week
holds and when and how I will unwrap it.
in the quiet chill of this high plains desert, I wonder, what is God
doing...really? For the long dark season of loss, I thought I knew.
I came to a point of concluding that, in the end, he was really up to
nothing in particular when it came to me. And yet, in the worst of
times when my soul was bruised and emptied, there was a fierceness in
me that just would not give up.
could hear myself in a voice from long ago. A friend and I were
having much the same conversation that Richard Branson and his friend
had the night his Necker Island home burned down a few months ago. I
was giddy in love with the God I had grown up knowing. She was an
indifferent skeptic. We were both waxing philosophical.
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creative |
voice echoed back to me in faint whispers: “There is a God. He is
real. He does care about the minutia of your life. He has a plan for
you, and it is a good, good plan. He put it into motion when he threw
the stars up into space. He knows your name.”
God, My name is Carol Anne. I'm a fraidy cat. Can we talk about that
good, good plan?
139:16 (Bible in Basic English)
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Courtesy B. Creasy |
your book all my days were recorded, even those which were purposed
before they had come into being.
1:6 (NLT)
I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will
continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ
Jesus returns.
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