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Courtesy D. Scott |
don't even know where to start. Last week was a gauntlet with no
visible end. I lived thru it. That's about all I can say. One day my
Facebook status read: “I think I'll call in sick...do you think
I'll get away with it?” The next day it read: “Forget a sick
day, where do I go to resign?”
all knew it was a joke. I wasn't going anywhere except the closet of
social media. I hate to say it out loud, but sometimes I don't need
pharmacological help. Facebook is more numbing than any meds would
be! Yea, it's true. I shoot up with Facebook and try to forget my
primary job in this season of life: parent and HOMESCHOOLING parent
at that. It works for about 10 minutes, but reality always comes back
to haunt me.
know I am not alone in my struggles. A friend and I spent some time
together last night. Like me, she is worn and weary because of a
multiplicity of stressors: finances, 3 kids with unique health
issues, homeschooling grades K5, 2nd, and 7th
grades in the same year, caring for aging relatives, and on and on
the list went. Dark circles punctuated her eyes indicating how
bone-weary she is.
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Courtesy B. Creasy |
we'd been out in the country, I might have feared the coyotes were
about to lunge since I'm sure our vulnerability would have screamed,
“Separate me from the herd! I'm ready to be eaten!” Thankfully,
the lights of the city held them at bay, and we were safe to laugh
out our mutual fatigue and relentless journey toward better
I'm telling you, it is a fraidy cat world. If we don't stick together, the coyotes are waiting at the door. It is not our tough old hide they want. They want our kids! I am thankful for friends that get me thru when I don't want to keep at it anymore.
I'm telling you, it is a fraidy cat world. If we don't stick together, the coyotes are waiting at the door. It is not our tough old hide they want. They want our kids! I am thankful for friends that get me thru when I don't want to keep at it anymore.
past week, I realized that some habits we developed after I broke my
leg had to go. I would have broken us of them many months ago, but
chaos followed crisis after crisis until it was easier to embrace
them and let them flourish unimpeded. And so, they did until I began
to prepare Son #2 for the world of work and driving in anticipation
of his birthday this summer. When I realized his 9th
grade school year was ½ over, my sense of urgency grew more
compelling. My time with him is running out.
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I coupled his life stage with my desire to prepare for an empty nest
by developing a speaking and writing career, I knew it was time to
kiss old habits goodbye. I should have warned you to buy stock in
sedatives.....cause between the 2 of us, we were going to need 'a
few', I feared!
took some steps to our new and improved, more orderly life. My
husband changed some of our computer settings which limited Son #2's
access to the internet to certain hours of the day. As you might
imagine, that step was a ROARING success, especially when he found
out the limitations included any technological gizmo that afforded
him internet access.
tightened up the reigns on our use of time. Kids with ADD, ADHD, and
Aspergers can have real struggles with an elastic sense of time.
Given the flexibility of our days as homeschoolers, I have been
content to work around that issue and concentrate on other battles –
till last week.
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creative |
I explained it to Son #2, he is on the cusp of being able to get a
part-time job. Thus, the time has come for him to focus on
accomplishing tasks in a timely manner or expect consequences. I gave
him 4 days to ease into a new routine. I was about as successful as
I would have been had I tried to push a cooked pasta noodle through a
keyhole. It was enough to make me crazy. And, he knew what he was
had me sized up pretty well...thinking if he dilly-dallied long
enough, I'd work around him like I always have. I quietly disabused
him of that notion when he least expected it on day 5. We have a
monthly extra-curricular event that he looks forward to with much
excitement. Friday came and with it his expectation that we would set
off for the event as usual.
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creative |
night before, I explained how our new routine would apply. Friday
morning I set it in motion. He did as I expected and meandered thru
the morning despite my gentle and ongoing reminders of our new
system. Well after our time goal had expired, he came and indicated
he was ready to move on to what I had requested.
realized I was not ready to head out the door and began to panic. I
looked up quietly from my work and said, “Oh, we are not going.
Unless and until you begin to do what I ask you to do the 1st
time I ask, we won't be going anywhere in the near future.”
then endured about 20 minutes of raw emotion as he mourned his folly
and begged for 2nd chances. I told him he'd had 4 days of
those. He asked, “Help me! How can I calm myself down and get back
to work?”
replied, “I surely don't know. I hope you figure that one out. Let
me know when you do.” To my amazement, the drama stopped almost on
a dime, and he settled down to the tasks at hand.
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wondered how this week would go. Would I again have to assert my
steadfast conviction that our new schedule is here to stay? I am
thrilled to say that, so far, I have not. He asks each night what
the schedule for the next day will be. When I set it in motion with
the morning light, he is on board without much complaint. We are not
running at 100% yet, but we have improved 1,000% over last week.
have learned a few things about myself this last week. Why don't you
come back tomorrow, and I'll tell you some secrets! Maybe I can keep
you from making the same mistakes and having to learn the hard way
like I have! Love you long and strong. See you soon!
6: (NASB)
Oh, I would surely love some secrets, especially if they are a "how-to" of getting kids on a better schedule!
ReplyDeleteI have got to get firm with my 16yro. She has got to get on a schedule and get things done. I have been avoiding the wailing and gnashing of teeth that I know are to come.
ReplyDeleteDonna, saying 'no' is the hardest thing in the world. I say this knowing that I have to drop the 'no' word in just a few hours. :-/ Wish me luck. ;-)