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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creations |
The night was warm and cozy despite the chill in the air outside. The 4 of us gathered in the peaceful haven of our little house in the garden neighborhood to discuss the ups and downs of the day and detail our lists of 'thankful things'. Jeff nodded over at me. "Speaking of thankful things, whacha want for Christmas? Time to start making our lists...." Mind you now, I have always been what I have called a 'cheap date'. Most of my girlfriends think my husband will never understand how blessed he is by how easily satisfied I am. Even total strangers have been known to acknowledge my easy to please ways.
Once upon a time when I was younger and skinny, we took a weekend trip to the mountains. After we finished our supper, I realized I had a hankerin' for something a little bit chocolate. I know...shocking, but true. Here's another shocking fact: I like CHEAP chocolate. No GO-DIva for me. No expensive European Chocolate. Give me good old, high fructose infused cheap chocolate ANY old day. Needless to say, what they had at the restaurant was a little too high-falutin' for my low-brow tastes. So, we ambled on over to the mom and pop grocery next door. They had a soda machine outside. We popped 50 cents in that sucker and out dropped my Coke....because everyone knows you can't have a candy bar without a Coke. (At least, if you grew up within a 3 state radius of my Mammaw you know this fact as incontrovertible.) From there we moseyed on into the grocery store for the prized Milky Way candy bar.
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creations |
Needless to say, when Jeff asked about my holiday wishes for that year, I was no less easy to please. The answer was easy that year. It rolled off my tongue without any contemplation. "I have every thing I need. I honestly cannot think of a single thing I want."
What more could I have wanted than what I had already been blessed with that sweet, sweet year? My husband, after all the years of being held captive by a monster in the shadows, was fully present in our lives. Our sons were flourishing in our homeschool community. I had more friends to interact with than in anytime in my life other than college. Jeff's health was still a thorn in our side, but he was not as violently ill as he had been at times. We were finally feeling some breathing room financially despite the medical bills. In fact, we had begun to save for a car to replace the ones that would no doubt be on the verge of failing when our Chapter 13 was discharged in 2007. We could go out to an occasional movie and eat out at places that did not involve drive thru 99 cent menus. My french-fried nerve endings were beginning to feel and act like they were no longer shocked and surprised by hum-drum days that bordered on boring. Some days, I laughed to myself, "Boring and hum-drum...I'll take these days any old day. Keep 'em coming."
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creations |
Christmas became spring again. We had been renters for 3 years. Our landlord was glad to have us. We paid early. Police never came knocking on our door looking for one of us. I'm guessing that had to be a relief for the fella that had taken what he thought was a big risk on us. I met more than 1 deputy of the law at my door assuring him with my driver's license that we were not related to the family member in question. He came to trust that we would treat his property as carefully as we had treated our own lost home when we cleaned and weeded before we gave the key to the officer of the court. His risk-taking in renting to a family w/ a scarlet Chapter 13 stenciled on their heads turned out to have been a win-win for all of us.
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Courtesy Mad Penguin Creations |
I was sitting at the Bible school registration desk chatting pleasantly with my cohort while we waited on any stragglers. My cell phone rang. Not recognizing the number, I let it roll over to voice mail. Can't say I really expected a message tone to follow. The tone came. I looked at my phone with mild shock wondering what stranger had what message. I never expected the rug of my life to be yanked out from under me with such ferocity. If you had asked me that night whether I would weather this new storm as well as I had weathered all the ones before, I would have assured you without hesitation that, indeed, I would. Not only would I handle it just as well, I would handle it even better. After all, I was an old pro at navigating unexpected storms.
Romans 4: 18-22 (NIV) Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed....Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised. This is why "it was credited to him as righteousness".
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