Once the IV took effect, I began to shake violently and continued to do so for several hours. The paramedic apologetically asked could he do anything for me when I cried out in pain. I asked him to hold my hand. I remember I kept saying, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." to no one in particular. I guess I had said it a bazillion times because he finally asked me why. I told him that we couldn't afford the expense or inconvenience of what I had just done and that I couldn't believe I had been that careless. I know I managed to see to Son #2's school work in the days between the fall and the surgery that would put enough hardware in my leg to guarantee my reserved spot in a TSA body scanner. I guess the rest was like labor. I forgot it as soon as it was over. I am sure that drug induced ignorance is bliss in this case.
They patched me up and sent me home to await surgery on October 30th. The otherworldly sobbing began. I remember sleeping. I was vaguely aware that my husband got home from Tennessee, but it was as if he was a dream. I remember knowing he was there. I remember knowing he took me home from the hospital after surgery and headed back to our new, never to be home, in Tennessee. Other than that, I'm clueless.

It's been almost 2 years. I can look back at those early days with a little objectivity now. Not much, but some. I'll tell you about that 'baby cry'. I think the IV pain killers, and the oral ones that followed, opened the flood gates of my wounded soul. All the stress that I had held back between 1999 and 2009 finally had a way of escape. I wasn't crying out of the pain of a broken leg as much as I was crying out of the pain of a broken heart and spirit. When I could finally get to a window to look out at the scene of the 'crime', I couldn't. It was months before I could bring myself to stare out at the spot because I knew my broken heart was out there still waiting to be reclaimed.
The Becca I had asked for over and over again had rushed dinner over to my family that night. She was the 1st of an army of friends who put food on our table 3-4 times a week for 7.5 weeks. Their thoughtfulness extended to Jeff even tho' he was 6 hrs away. When he came home every 2 weeks, we had frozen 'TV dinner' type meals for him to take back to his new home. It wasn't a fresh out of our own oven home cooked meal, but it would have to do for a family living in 2 states. And, it was beyond what we deserved or could have hoped for.

Looking back, the faithfulness of those folks still amazes me. My head knows they were God's hands extended and that their blessing upon my family was incalculable. I often told myself my situation was temporary. I would walk again. It would be 6 months before I stood alone on my own 2 feet, but I would walk again. Maybe, just maybe I'd run up the stairs again. Funny, after I had mowed our 3/4 of an acre the day before I fell, I had spent a lot of time patting myself on the back for being such a tough old broad. Son #1 said, "Mom...you know what they say...pride go-eth before a fall." Sigh...apparently, the saying, "From your lips to God's ears" also applies when we least expect or want.
Even tho' my head knew all these lovely and true things about my friends being God's hands extended, my heart...was not in the game anymore. I looked at my bookcase full of treasured books by Elizabeth George, Kay Arthur, Beth Moore, Donna Partow and all the others. I looked at my multiple translations of the Bible. I couldn't bear to look for long. I could no more make my way to that bookcase using my walker than I could get out of the house without help. I have never, never felt so lonely, forlorn, and abandoned in all my life.
The cheerleader in me was scathing. She poked. She prodded. She cajoled. She sermonized. She berated. I was numb, and her words had no effect. I had lost my heart and my good God, and I not only didn't know where or how to look for them, I couldn't even work up the gumption to try.
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What about you, fraidy cat? Where is/was your breaking point? Everyone has one, I think. I used to think my life was so weird that no one could understand. Then, I went to the writer's conference and heard stories that make mine pale. In fact, a former runner up to Miss America told how her own brother-in-law had shot at her only a short while before the conference in 2010. Hah! I didn't get the chance to meet her, but I didn't have to. I knew she'd 'get me' in a skinny minute. Another keynote speaker told us, "As a writer, I don't have crises, I have anecdotes." Lord knows, I've got a million of 'em, I feel like. I am humbled that you keep coming back to share them. Some days you come in droves. Some days you come in a trickle. But come, you do. And, I thank you for it.
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Ezekiel 36:26 (KJV c. 1769)
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
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